"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

For most of you it's Christmas Day. But we hosted our family Christmas here yesterday, so today is our eat-leftovers-make-turkey-soup-and-watch-movies day.

I love that day.

I got some nice things for Christmas yesterday ... perhaps you'd like to guess? I'll give you hints for 3 gifts, ok?

Gift #1

Gift #2

Gift #3

It was a lovely ending to a week that involved a plumber ... yet again ... in our house. Nothing like the sweet smell of a backed-up drain to put you in the Christmas mood. You'll be pleased to know that I didn't even panic. I sniffed the air a bit, looked at the drain downstairs, texted "tree roots" to Spike, and dialed the plumber's number myself ... FROM MEMORY. Frankly, I thought I handled the fact that I couldn't shower, run a dishwasher or do laundry for two days rather well.

Merry Christmas to you, and I really mean that. Whether I know you or not, whether you are local or in Australia (somebody is lurking here from Australia lately!) ... have a lovely, wonderful day today, OK?