"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Thursday, April 26, 2007


I'm not actually RELATED to anyone in this picture. I'm not actually IN this picture. If I am, then I am remarkably well-preserved!
It's just a random photo I found, and I thought it would fit with the "cousins" title.
I've been reconnecting with my cousins (on Dad's side). At Grandma's funeral, the 5 of us were actually together for the first time in YEARS. As in - some of us still haven't met each others' spouses.
So we've been emailing back and forth, reconnecting with random questions and answers, from both cousins AND spouses.
Here are some samples for you, and perhaps you'd like to add your own answers...OR...your own questions!!!
What food do you dislike? Cheap hotdogs, the kind that goosh when they're cooked. Anything with orange or lemon rind in it. And don't think you can hide it on me. I'll know! My tongue starts to tingle and my throat says, "Oh I don't think so!" And no matter how hard I try, it will not go down! Turnips. Yuck.
What would you invent? a Bermuda Grass mole - A small and cute pet that lived on the wretched grass that takes over my flower gardens every year without any consideration for my feelings but that didn't reproduce or dig holes escept to follow the grass (the mole not the weed, that is). Cars that drive themselves. Just get in, say lets go to "Fill in the Blank" sit back and relax. Planes that don’t involve airports.
If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be? Change? What would I change? People pay good money to end up with crazy hair, funky teeth and padded ribs! Get back the biceps i had working in the mines.
Hollywood crush? Dean Cain (Clark fron Lois and Clark) Bruce Willis Reece Witherspoon Jim from The Office
If you had a "do over" in your life, what would it be? Not sure I want to answer that. The knickerbockers, though, that was tragic. Not kissing Jeffrey (another, unknown Jeffrey, not my Jeffrey! It's not even my answer!) when I was 5 years old. He had some "excessive saliva" issues.
Worst school picture? They were pretty uniformly goofy 'cause I didn't want to smile but Grade 7 particularly stands out when I had a Pricess Di haircut with a cowlick. Grade 4 I think. Black electrical tape holding my glasses together and a brown sweater vest.
Favorite saying? Don't squat with your spurs on!
What did you learn about the person who sent this to you? That my cousins are just as bitter and sarcastic as I am. But that's a good thing. That everybody else responds to emails faster than me.