"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

VHIP's who laugh

I got an email today from my District Office.

Can I be honest here? I don't always thoroughly read and soberly meditate on every single thing that comes from the very wise, very holy, very God-like people that are higher than me on the denominational food chain. No disrespect intended - it's just that.... well, they send out a lot of stuff, as a whole. And if I thoroughly read and soberly meditated on all of it, I wouldn't get my job done here, and then I'd have some 'splainin' to do.

So I almost deleted today's email. And then I saw it. A video link, which had been recommended by a Sectional Presbyter, who wanted to remain nameless, in case someone got offended by the humour.

This really caught my attention, because Sectional Presbyters are Very Holy and Important People (VHIP's), and I wasn't aware that they were allowed to have a questionable sense of humour. Except for my friend, who still is my friend, despite becoming a VHIP in the last year or so. I was going to name that person, but they may not want to be associated with me after this post.

And so, of course, I clicked the video link. And I laughed. I snorted milk through my nose. (No I didn't. But I thought about it.) And then I felt, that in support of this nameless VHIP who is a Sectional Presbyter, I should share it with you.

Disclaimer: If you are not, and never have been, in any kind of a charismatic Christian setting - you may not see the humour in this.

Another Disclaimer: If you ARE part of the charismatic Christian world, and you don't think that sometimes we should laugh at ourselves - you also, may not see the humour in this.

If you're still here, after those disclaimers, grab a glass of milk and enjoy.