"All words are symbols that represent unspeakable realities. Which is also why words are magical." (Donald Miller tweet)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

the end of the story

My back-to-school story is boring me.

When you are boring yourself, you should stop. It's a rule that I have. Mostly I apply it to preaching, but it's a rule with other uses as well. Like blogging, for instance.

So, here's the end ... er... the beginning of the story.

I'm going back to school. Part-time. At McMaster University. To study Sociology. Because it interests me. I will graduate - again - when I am 82.

(Pause for you to sigh in relief that you don't have to plow through anymore mindless babble to learn that crucial bit of information.)

And why am I in such a hurry today? Because painters who were coming tomorrow just phoned to say, "Hello, Meesis Meelir? We gonna come today, if tha's OK wit you."

I used my relaxed voice to say calmly, "Oh sure, that is just fine."

And then dashed to get out of my jammies, into some clothes, wash my face, brush my teeth, clean up yesterday's used-for-bacon frying pan, and most importantly, make some coffee.

Gotta run!