First, on Saturday morning, Spike and I were sitting outside discussing some of the finer points of quantum physics in relation to chocolate for breakfast, when all of a sudden we both stopped talking and exclaimed, "WHAT was THAT???"
It was a groundhog. I know this, because later in the day when I was all by myself, he came out again, and then scooched under the deck. If I moved really slowly, I could lean back and see a nose and one eye peeking out from under the deck, about two feet away from me. We eyed each other for awhile, until finally he worked his way out, stood up on his hind feet and said hello. I presume it was hello. I don't speak groundhog. He could have been swearing at me for all I know. But I don't think so. He posed for several pictures, which are on my phone. I don't know how to get pictures off my phone. So I give you a pic that I googled - it looks like my new friend. He is very cute. And I love him.

Second, here is my to-do list for the next couple of weeks. Finish a paper today, hand it in tomorrow. Frantically catch up on a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of school reading. Create study notes. Study them. Write a final exam (next Thursday). Don't cry for me. This is what I live for, no matter how much I complain. Then I may contact a couple of guest lecturers whom I found really interesting, and glean further knowledge from them. (I know. I'm a nerd. That's been established already.)
Third - and most importantly - tomorrow is the day for which I have been waiting. It is a big day. Don't get in my way on this day, for when I head out the office door (a little bit early, I confess), I am going to GET A HAIR CUT and nothing shall deter me. I missed the last one, which was a bit traumatizing. Now I look like the Bugs Bunny sheepdog, lifting my hair with one hand so I can see where I'm going. Spike likes it. I don't know what to tell him, because IT IS STILL GETTING CUT, although I love him very much. More than the groundhog, even.

Oh, also a little friend and I did our toenails on Saturday night. Mine are deep, dark red now, which is a little startling when I look down. Again, my camera isn't working, so I was going to google you a pic. But it turns out there's a disease or condition called "red toenail" and having just googled pics of it, I am heartily grossed out.
You'll just have to imagine my startling toes.